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Homeকমিউনিটি সংবাদ USAMUNA holds Massive Convention in Philadelphia

MUNA holds Massive Convention in Philadelphia

(Mohammad Zainal Abedin, NYC    

(NYC, Dec. 6. ) After a gap of three years due to Covid19, MUNA (Muslim Ummah of North America) organizes 3-day long massive convention at Phelidelphiya Convention Center of Pennsalvenia on August 18, 19 and 20 (2023).

Arman Chowdhury, the Executive Director of MUNA declared it at a press conference held in Jackson Heights of New York City (NYC) on November 5. Harun-Ar Rashid, the National President of MUNA chaired the press conference. Abdullah Arif, President of 

 its NYS North Zone,  conducted it.

Mentionable MUNA was incorporated in NYS as a non-profit organization in 1990. Within the last 32 years its activities spread in more than 40 out of 50 States America, Emran Chowdhury mentioned in his written statement. 

Pointing to the upcoming Philadelphia Convention, he said the core theme of this convention is, “AL-Quran Guidance for Humanity,”

Muna is a North-America centric invitational and social-cultural organization. Its aim is to engage its overall efforts to develop social-cultural values for the sake of attaining the pleasure of Allah (God), the Almighty.

It Muslim organize and encourages the Muslims to develop civic and religious values and interfaith harmony and brotherhood among of all people, Arman Chowdhury mentioned.

He said, our leaders and activists endevor to establish sustained friendship and amity among people to develop and ensure peace one of the major messages of Allah and His Messenger Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam.

He said, MUNA is a faith-based motivational social-cultural organization of the Muslims. It urges people of all faiths irrespective of their ethnicity, language, and country of origin to implement honesty and justice in their family and social life.  It is a non-profit non-political religious organization. It is not involved in any political party in or outside North American countries, Arman Chowdhury informed.

He said, though Muna is a North American organization, its activities are primarily centralized within the Bangladeshi North Americans.

Briefing its pattern of activities he said, MUNA basically works among the Bengali-speaking Muslims and other North Americans. MUNA distributes the Quran, Hadiths (Sayings of Great Prophet of Islam Hazart Mohammad SM– Peace be upon him), and Islamic books on different issues. MUNA spreads the message of Islam among people of all faiths.

He said to ensure and safeguard their rights, MUNA motivates Muslims to assimilate with  mainstream America, protecting their identity, their spiritual, moral and cultural heritage.

He said, we participate in the social and religious festivals of different ethnic communities of North America to eradicate social distance and gap.

Pointing to the MUNA convention he said, Muslim and non-Muslim American and non-American renowned scholars will participate in it. Besides, discussions on the importance of forming family and community will get top priority. Educative programs for the youths and children, discussions on the Quran for the girls: ‘Learn and Fun’, youth convention, including cultural programs, games and sports, rides will get due importance.

About the special events they said, like all other years’ youth convention for young boys and girls, ‘Young Sisters Convention’, discussion on ‘Living a virtuous life according to the Qur’an’ will be held. There will be recreational  cultural programs, rendered by the MUNA cultural  group. Huge bazaar having various Islamic and other attractive materials prepared by the MUNA sisters will remain opened for three days. Educational programs for young boys and girls, various sports rides, cultural shows rendered by the MUNA cultural groups will be another attractive aspect of the convention.  Interested people may visit the places of interest and monuments of the American independence movement, which are still available in Philadelphia.  

Finally National President Harun-Ar Rashid, National Executive Director Arman Chowhury, Abdullah Arif President of MUNA North Zone of NYS replied to different questions of the journalists.

In response to a question, the MUNA National President said, the final lists of the leading scholars who will come from many countries, including Bangladesh, has not been decided yet. 

When asked how MUNA creates its fund they said, it is entirely a self-financed organization assisted by its members and families. It does not get any funds from any government.

It does convert any person to Islam through persuasion or donation of any material benefits. MUNA, however, welcomes those who voluntarily convert to Islam.  When asked the number of new converts in America, MUNA leaders could not tell any exact figure, but they presumably told the number may be about one hundred.

Huge number of NYC-based journalists belonging to print and electronic media attended the press conference of MUNA.*

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